Design & Aesthetics
Design & Aesthetics
Design and Technology equips students with future ready skills such as
user empathy and design thinking, and prepares students to explore rapidly
changing technologies. Iterative design and making is taught at Lower Secondary
and design thinking through problem-based learning is applied at Upper
Secondary. Students develop the quality of mindfulness, empathy and
sensitivity through improving aspects of their environment in everyday
life. Through D&T, students become discerning and informed users
of products, and are nurtured as future innovators or creators.
Food and Consumer Education (FCE) is offered at Lower Secondary while
Nutrition and Food Science (NFS) is offered at Upper Secondary. Through
these subjects, students stay abreast of the latest developments in culinary
and food technology, while developing an understanding of food, nutrition
and cross-cultural awareness in today’s globalised context. Through hands-on
practical sessions that encourage independent learning, FCE and NFS nurture
students to become creative, innovative, and resourceful individuals who
advocate sustainable food consumption and are capable of making informed
and discerning decisions.
The Art curriculum seeks to provide students with a balanced and well-rounded
education in the aesthetic, cognitive and affective domains. Through engagement
in art discourse and art making, the curriculum offered at both Lower and
Upper Secondary focus on visual literacy and storytelling. Students are
encouraged to exercise their imagination and develop creative dispositions
e.g. the ability to see from multiple perspectives and the ability to adapt
flexibly across contexts. The exposure to a wide range of art activities
and skills builds their understanding of art elements and principles of
design as they develop an appreciation of cultural artworks from diverse
influences, to cultivate global and cross-cultural literacy. Through Art,
students develop the capacity to innovate and improvise, preparing them
to face future challenges.
Music is offered at both Lower Secondary and Upper Secondary where students
will be introduced to a wide range of genres and styles as they acquire
and apply musical skills and knowledge through Listening, Creating and
Performing. This provides the natural platform for students to build social-emotional
dispositions due to the collaborative nature of music-making which include
teamwork and resilience to strive to do their best. In addition, building
and deepening their understanding of musical and cultural diversity hones
critical thinking and creative expression, contributing to the holistic
development of our students, fostering a life-long interest and involvement
in music.
Common Curriculum
As part of the school’s implementation of Full Subject-based Banding, lower secondary students will take a set of subjects at a common level. These subjects include Design & Technology, Food and Consumer Education, Art and Music. Designed to provide accessibility to all students, the common curriculum gives students the opportunity to learn in a nurturing and diverse environment. Through the use of pedagogies such as scaffolding and differentiated instruction, students can grow at a different pace to reach their full potential.
Learning Outcomes
Cultivate visual-spatial thinking through sketching, experimenting and prototyping using appropriate materials and basic hand tools/equipment/machines safely
Develop an appreciation of function, aesthetics and technology in design through everyday products and their implication on sustainability
Exercise judgements for design appropriateness with respect to the users, functionality and the environment
Develop confidence and pride through turning ideas into physical objects
Understand the importance of nutrition and food safety and lead a healthier lifestyle proactively.
Apply basic culinary science in preparing healthier food to meet the needs of target groups.
Manage resources optimally and sustainably.
Make responsible and informed decisions for self, family and the community.
Cultivate visual-spatial thinking through sketching, experimenting and prototyping using appropriate materials and basic hand tools/equipment/machines safely
Develop an appreciation of function, aesthetics and technology in design through everyday products and their implication on sustainability
Exercise judgements for design appropriateness with respect to the users, functionality and the environment
Develop confidence and pride through turning ideas into physical objects
Identify qualities in and interpret what they see and experience
Record and present their observations using different ways
Generate questions and ideas from visuals
Express experiences and ideas in art making
Experiment with different materials, tools, and media to create new visual possibilities
Reflect and share views on their own and others’ art making
Relate to examples of Singapore and international art and their ideas and processes
Work with others to make art, present art, and solve visual and other problems
Listen and respond to music
Create music in both vocal and instrumental settings, individually and collaboratively
Perform music in both vocal and instrumental settings, individually and collaboratively
Understand the role of music in society
Appreciate music from Singapore and global cultures
Experience and apply musical elements and concepts through listening, creating and performing
Key Programmes
Maker Programme
Spherification Masterclass
Farm to Table Cooking Challenge
Digital Illustration
Bilingual Picture Book Illustration
Pop Band Music Showcase
Songwriting and Music Production
Design & Aesthetics (DNA) Discovery Week
Pop Band Music Showcase

Songwriting and Music Production

Farm-to-Table Challenge

Spherification Masterclass

Practical Lessons

Maker Programme : Automata Workshop

Maker Programme: Shrink Plastic

Left to Right: Wooden block pet project, Isometric sketch of block pet project and holder for pencil and mobile phone, presentation drawing and USB Table lamp

Picture Book Illustration (watercolour painting)